Catch Your Breath
You’ve heard the saying, “When it rains, it pours.” That is part of the devil’s strategy- to come at us with one problem after another to wear us out and wear us down.
If God’s children are busy putting out fires, so to speak, then his idea is that we won’t seek the Lord. That is why it sometimes seems like every little thing seems to happen at once. If he can keep you too busy for time with the Lord, he will eventually win. And it isn’t always big things; it can be dozens of small irritations and inconveniences.
What’s the answer? The answer is to first of all understand what is really happening. When we understand the devil’s schemes, we can address the real problem instead of chasing after the distractions he is throwing at us.
Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. II Corinthians 2:11 (NKJV)
If the Apostle Paul had to be on his guard against the wiles of the enemy, we do too. Once we realize that it is an attack being waged by the enemy, then we need to take a time out. Yes, a time out. Get out of the middle of everything that is going on, get alone with God for just a short time, and catch your breath. Pray in the Holy Spirit. That will send the devil into fits because he cannot understand or interfere with your prayer. Listen quietly for the leading of the Holy Ghost. He will tell you how to proceed. The enemy’s plans will only work if he can stop us from communicating with the Lord.
In the midst of the craziness today, take a moment, get somewhere alone, and focus on God. You will have the moment to catch your breath and get a second wind to continue on to victory.