Living in Divine Health

Living in Divine Health

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. I Peter 2:24 (KJV)

This tells us that Jesus bore our sins in His body on the tree, or the cross- the execution stake. Because we are now dead to sin, we can live unto righteousness, and by His stripes we were healed.

Since Jesus bore our sins, we don’t have to bear them and the punishment, misery, and penalty they bring. We can live dead to sin, where sin has no dominion over us. Because sin is out of the equation, it cannot hinder our healing. Jesus made us righteous so we can live unto God, completely free from sin.

Sin can cause sickness, plus it hinders healing. Jesus bore every sin and sickness on the tree. He bore our sin to make us righteous and He bore our sickness to make us healed and whole.

As we reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to righteousness, we can also reckon ourselves delivered from sickness and disease. Because of the blood of Jesus, the devil has no right to teal our good health. We can claim and receive all that Jesus died to give us, including healing. We can say no to sin and yes to righteousness, and we can say no to sickness and yes to good health. As we live right, we keep the door closed to the enemy who would seeks to steal our health, among other things. Walking in faith and righteousness is how we live in divine health.

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