A Deeper Word

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URGENT: Get Ready For the Climax!

Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16 (NKJV)

Today is August 14, 2024. I post the date so people who read this in the future will know the exact time period that I am addressing with this post. In the future, this may not make sense like it does to us today.

Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 (NKJV)

For a number of months, even a few years, I have been posting of frightening things to come. As I have said before, I do not hold the biblical office of prophet, however, God does speak to me like He will speak to any believer who is listening. Plus, I do follow several reliable prophets of God who have been giving us clear warnings.

With that being said, there is coming a brief time of great calamity upon the earth and especially upon the United States. God has promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and usher in a great endtime harvest of souls. Many call this the last Great Awakening. The enemy, satan, does not want this to take place, and for decades, he has been placing wicked people in places of power and influence, including all levels of government and in every sphere of influence in society. His plan is to prevent this move of God from taking place by using his followers to take over the world. Currently, the things we see taking place in politics and in the persecution of Christians, and others who oppose the corruption and fraud, is a manifestation of the spiritual fight going on between good and evil, between light and darkness. Soon, it will come to a climax.

The evil people who are attempting to bring down our country once and for all so the global elites can take over are being exposed by God and by those He is choosing to use. As they are exposed for their wicked deeds and evil plans, they are becoming frantic and desperate. They will do everything they can to retain their grip of power. In a last ditch effort, they will unleash numerous attacks upon us at one time. In quick succession, we will experience natural disasters (that really are not natural in origin), plagues, terror events, and probably even the very real threat of nuclear war. I can’t predict exactly what they are planning or what day they will unleash it, but it will likely impact our food supply, sources of energy, and much more. And, whether you believe me or not, I can sense in my spirit that it is very near. The time left to prepare is short.

I am asking you to take me seriously when I tell you to please stock up on food and even on water. If the power goes out for an extended period, water treatment facilities will not be operational and the water supply will be affected. Have a couple months supply of nonperishable food items on hand. Purchase a non-electrical means of cooking food such as a gas grill or even a charcoal grill- then be sure to have a full portable propane tank or several bags of charcoal on hand. Of course, do not use these grills in the house for safety reasons. Be certain to have flashlights, battery powered lanterns and candles, as well as batteries and matches. These are all things we will need naturally.

When the catastrophic events take place, we will be locked in our homes for a short time. God has been warning of this through the prophets. He has said it will be a lock-in to protect His children, like He did during the Passover when the death angel went through Egypt. Do not fear the period of darkness or the lock-in. God will take care of us and, at the end of it all, we will be free. So, in addition to being prepared physically with supplies and food, I am also telling you to prepare spiritually. Brace yourself spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for the greatest rescue operation in the history of the world. Get in the Word so it will be in your heart and you won’t fall apart when everything looks like it is going crazy. Plead the blood of Jesus over yourself and your loved ones. Set your heart on God and refuse to be moved.

We are being liberated from enemies that we didn’t even know had us enslaved. This is the greatest time in history to be alive. The enemy won’t give up quietly or without a fight, but God will be victorious, and we will emerge victorious and totally free. God wins. He always has and He always will. Prepare. Do not fear. Keep the faith. All will be well in the end. Know that God’s got this, and He’s got us.