A Deeper Word

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Going From Splashing to Swimming

In the Greek New Testament, there are five levels of spiritual growth or maturity mentioned. Ezekiel also gives us a picture of five levels that correspond to these levels of growth. These levels take time and commitment to pursue God and His Word.

Then brought he me out of the way of the gate northward, and led me about the way without unto the utter gate by the way that looketh eastward; and, behold, there ran out waters on the right side. And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins. Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over. Ezekiel 47:2-5 (KJV)

Babe (Nepios)

Ezekiel 47:2 tells of the beginning point of the waters, or our first experience with the Spirit of God. This corresponds to the first level of growth, nepios in the Greek, which refers to an infant. When we are first born-again, we are like spiritual babes who need constant care. We need milk to grow, pointing to the milk of the Word, or the foundational doctrines of the faith. Babies take a lot of care. Symbolically, our feet are just touching the waters of God. We’ve just experienced Jesus and tasted of the goodness of God. The beginning stage of the milk of the Word corresponds to a baby splashing about in the shallows of the spiritual waters of God (I Peter 2:2). Babies are carnal and immature; they lack experience with God (I Corinthians 3:1-4).

Child (Paidion)

Ezekiel 47:3 then speaks of being ankle-deep in the waters, speaking of being a young child, or paidion in New testament Greek. Ankle-deep Christians have gone a little further in God. This is the learning and development stage of a child where they are learning to stand on their own and gaining knowledge of themselves and the world around them. They are still immature, but growth has been noted (Luke 2:40). As we sit under the Word, we grow from a babe to a child. Some spiritual development has taken place, but we still want our own way and follow our own will. At this stage, we must learn to depend on God in order to continue to grow. We’ve gained more Word level than a babe, yet we still require teaching, training, and assistance. At times, we need to be disciplined with love using God’s Word.

Teen (Teknon)

Ezekiel 47:4 refers to being knee-deep in the waters of God. This points to being a teknon in Greek, or an older child. We would call this being a teenager. This are training years (Romans 8:16, I Timothy 4:12, II Timothy 2:22). In our youthful teen years, we are instructed not to allow anyone to despise our youth. God is using young people today and we need to recognize what God is doing through them. Keep in mind, as a teen, we are still immature and have a lot of lessons to learn. We are heirs of God but still need to grow up to be ready to receive and handle our full inheritance. At this stage, we must learn to be a godly example, not demanding our own way or thinking we know more than we really do. We need to learn to listen and obey, being willing to be held accountable and to take responsibility for our actions. We should be continuing to learn the Word in order to think right and walk in the ways of God.

Son (Huios)

Exekiel 47:4 mentions being in the waters to the loins, or waist-deep. This corresponds to the level of being a son in Greek, or huios. This the point at which we’ve progressed through baby, child, and the teen levels to being a mature son (Romans 8:14, 19). This was the time in a Jewish man’s life at which he was ready to take on adult responsibilities.. The father would take his son and put him in a place of authority, releasing him to fulfill his purpose, usually in the family business. It refers to the Father’s approval (Matthew 3:17). This was the time in His life at which Jesus was released to His purpose and placed in ministry. This speaks of a believer who is ruled by the Holy Spirit as opposed to being led by their flesh like immature Christians are. Those led by the flesh follow the five senses. Once we get waist-deep in the things of God, we depend on Him to lead and teach us. We are experiencing a mature relationship with God, growing deeper in the Lord to the point of being used.

Man (Telios)

Ezekiel 47:5 tells of water deep enough in which to swim. This corresponds to being a perfect, complete man of full age. It refers to adulthood, being mature. We’ve been chewing on the strong meat of God’s Word for some time; meat that matured us and made us strong (Hebrews 5:14). We’ve grown to the point where we can readily discern between good and evil. We are mature in Christ and are Christ-like. This is the end goal of growing in Christ. As we reach this point, God can release us into greater glory, with greater ministry work. We think right, talk right, and live right- in a mature way. We become the leaders, with others following us as we follow Christ. At this point, we’ve grown up to be able to help others progress through the levels of growth until they too are swimming in the water of the Spirit.