Great Again

O Lord, you have made our nation great; yes, you have made us great. You have extended our borders, and we give you the glory! Isaiah 26:15 (New Living Translation, NLT)

Much has been said about “Make America Great Again.” It is a concept that is scriptural, and I support it 100 percent. I am excited and thrilled with the prospect of our nation getting back on the right track to become everything God intended her to be. However, we have to remember that God is the One who will make it great again. Man can partner with God to bring His plans to pass, but we cannot rely solely on people to bring about such a thing. We must turn to God and trust Him to turn things around for us.

Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people. Proverbs 14:34 (New Living Translation, NLT)

We have been ruled by sinful people who are against God and all He stands for. God has graciously intervened to allow us to once again be governed by people who want the right things for our country. And God is continuing to intervene because the wicked will not go down without a fight. They have some bad plans they are trying to implement- some are apparent, some are very secretive. However, God knows all and sees all. He is not taken by surprise when the wicked plan devious and evil things to try to trap the righteous. No matter how bad it may look, the wicked will not get what they want. Their power has been stripped from them by the Lord. They will try to stop what is coming, but they will not succeed.

So, as we head towards the swearing-in of our rightful president, we can be assured that God will take care of everything to allow His chosen person to enter office. It may happen when we think it will, or on another day- but God’s man will regain his position. Things may get bumpy and downright scary along the way, but do not fear. Trust God in the midst of the storm, and know that everything will be all right. As a matter of fact, it will be better than all right- everything will turn out glorious. As we pass through the darkness, know that the brightest light we’ve ever seen awaits on the other side.

Our future is bright. The host of heaven’s armies are taking care of business and defeating principalities and wicked spirits that have had dominion over governments here and around the world. The bonds of slavery are being destroyed and true freedom is coming. The Spirit of God is being poured out on all flesh. When this chapter is over and we enter this new era of prosperity and blessing, it will be like a wonderful dream. We’ll all give God the glory for liberating us and for Making America Great Again!

What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord, whose people he has chosen as his inheritance. Psalm 33:12 (New Living Translation, NLT)

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