Overcoming Longterm Illness

Overcoming Longterm Illness

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. III John 1:2 (KJV)

God wants us to be in good health. If we’ve been fighting an illness, disease, or injury for a long time, how do we continue to fight? Much of it has to do with our will. We have to make a quality decision to never give up hope. We have to choose to believe God’s Word and not waver from it. It is an act of our will.

Never give up hope. Hope is confident expectation. See yourself well- don’t accept that you will always be sick or that you will get worse. Envision yourself getting better and better. Keep fighting, even if it is just one step at a time- keep trying. We must keep believing no matter the pain or other symptoms we feel. Our faith is not based on how we feel, but on the Word of God that never fails. The Lord has all power, and all things are possible with Him. Nothing is too hard for God.

Stay in the Word for daily wisdom and strength. Stay in the Word so you know what to do. When we don’t know what to do, we must look to the One who does. Ask and God will give you wisdom about what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Do what you can and trust God to help you. He will help you progress.

Never give up, because you don’t want to lose the ground you’ve gained. Ground that is lost is harder to get back the second time. Have a vision for your health. Set goals so you have something to aim for. Maybe you can walk a few feet now. Set a goal to walk a couple feet more. Then, once you’ve mastered that, add to it. Many times in the New Testament, the word healed or healing was the Greek word therapeo, which means a gradual healing that requires corresponding action. It is where we get the word therapy. When Jesus healed people, it was often therapeo. Our healing may be instantaneous, but sometimes it is therapeo- something that requires us to act in faith to set our healing in motion.

Have someone in your corner for support. When you have someone cheering you on and refusing to allow you to give up, you can achieve more. Study God’s Word, pray, worship God, fellowship with believers. All fo these will support you in your fight of faith. And give. It is a biblical principle, that we reap what we sow. Therefore, if we need something, we can sow to reap a harvest. Sow into someone else’s healing. Do what you can to assist someone else in their recovery and you can expect your own harvest of healing.

Of course, there are natural things you can to do to support good health, such as drinking plenty of water, eating right, exercising in whatever way you can, resting, reducing stress, and even laughing. Laughter is extremely good for health.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (KJV)

What I am telling you, I have drawn from my own personal experience- it is not something I have made up, but something I’ve had to walk out in my own life. Do something, lest you do nothing. Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself or wishing that you were better will not accomplish anything. Keep doing what you can and keep aiming for the target of total restoration and wholeness. God is on your side, and His healing power is at work in you now. Do not give up.

I decree and proclaim that you will get better, not worse. You will secome stronger, not weaker. You are getting healthier, not sicker. You are blessed, not broken down. Your body is being built up. Do what you can and God will do what you can’t. Your best days are before you, not behind you. Your latter end will be greater than your beginning. In Jesus’ Name!



Gaining The Christ Life

Gaining The Christ Life