We're Not As Divided As We Think

We're Not As Divided As We Think

The enemy works through division. He knows that when we are divided from one another, we are weaker. There really is strength in numbers.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 8:19-20 (New International Version, NIV)

Because the enemy knows unity brings strength- strength to defeat him and his agenda- he manufactures division. Yes, I said that he manufactures division. He tries to create division where there is none. He does everything possible to pit people against one another so he can win. He knows if we were to be truly united against him he would have no chance whatsoever to get anything done in this earth.

Consider what he’s been doing in our society to try to take down our nation. He’s trying to divide us based on the color of our skin, the amount of money we make, and he’s introduced deviant sexual lifestyles to create more division. He sets us up against each other based on gender, innoculation status, and numerous other things. He takes our unique qualities and tries to convince us that uniqueness is bad and we should distrust and dislike those who are different. And he’s been using division to keep the church weak and ineffective for years.

If we stop and take a close look, we really aren’t as divided as we think. If we would simply take some time to get to know one another, see where we agree, and celebrate the God-given qualities that make each of us one-of-a-kind, we would stop the devil’s strategy and we could win this world for Jesus quickly. Yes, there are principles worth fighting for, but let’s fight the devil and not each other.

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